Why No One's Reading Your Online Content (And How to Fix It)
Learn how to create engaging content that interests your audience - and attracts more patients to your practice.
It’s frustrating to spend time, energy, and money on content marketing and not see the results you’re after.
Maybe you’re regularly adding articles to your blog, but aren’t getting the traffic you thought you would. Or you might have spent an entire day crafting a bio section, but your readers bounce out of your website without even looking at it.
When this happens, it can be super discouraging – not to mention it probably feels like a huge waste of time. And it feels even worse if you’re throwing your marketing money at somebody else and not getting the results you’d hoped for.
Meanwhile, you see plenty of other holistic health practitioners getting engagement and leads from their content. Somehow, they’re attracting new patients to their practice – weekly.
So what are they doing that you’re not?
Odds are your competitors have:
Studied up on content marketing strategies
Outsourced so they don’t have to worry about it anymore
Either of these options are effective solutions to help your practice thrive.
Depending on which one you choose, there are a few things you can do to go from zero engagement to converting new clients. And the fix might be easier than you think.
Create A Catchy Headline
On average, 8 out of 10 people read headlines. But only 2 out of 10 read beyond that.[1]
So when you’re crafting content, it’s vital that you grab your reader’s attention right away – with a compelling headline. But the difficulty with headlines is there’s a fine line between intriguing and clickbait. You want your headline to be interesting, but not sensational or misleading.
If your headline is clickbaity, your readers might click to read your post. But even if they make it to the end of the post, you’ve already damaged their trust in you because your headline promised them something different than what they actually read.
To avoid the potential pitfalls of clickbaiting your audience, here are a few recommendations for a high-performing headline:
Make it catchy. Avoid overly-wordy headlines. And don’t use jargon – this will stop your readers from clicking.
Write to your reader. By writing a headline that’s talking directly to your readers, it feels personalized and makes them far more likely to click on your article.
Keep it relevant. Your headline should be a sample of what readers will learn if they keep reading the piece. So staying on topic will go a long way for your readers.
Appeal to emotions. Most people don’t go online to read the encyclopedia. Make sure you’re using empathetic language to touch on people’ pain points.
When you’re crafting your headline, come up with something that’s simple, memorable, and interesting. Pique your reader’s interest, but don’t mislead them.
With a well-written, thoughtful headline, you’ll generate more interest and get more clicks on your content. And you’ll build a loyal following if your headlines are catchy, accurate, and reader-focused.
Write Topics That Appeal To Your Readers
If you find yourself writing content that no one’s clicking, it’s worth your time to take a step back. Spend a little time researching your audience.
Find out what your readers are interested in. You can do this by looking at online reviews or people’s comments on your social media accounts.
If you’re investing in blog posts, for example, check your patients’ online reviews of your practice. Why did they choose your practice, and how did they find you in the first place?
Maybe the majority of your reviewers booked an appointment at your clinic because you focus on empowering people with natural solutions for their health. If that’s the case, then consider writing blog posts on topics like:
Natural Home Remedies
Best Herbs For Insomnia
Homeopathy For Food Allergies
These are just a few examples of providing your readers with subject matter that interests them.
Another great place to learn more about your audience are your social media pages. By doing this, you can identify:
What questions your followers are asking
Which posts they’re engaging with
After getting to know your audience better by finding out what they’re interested in, start tailoring your content towards answering their questions. This will go a long way in boosting the effectiveness of your content marketing strategy.
Don’t Make Your Writing Too Academic
Most of the people reading your content don’t have degrees in your field.
And they aren’t online to read essays or abstracts. They’re showing up to get their questions answered.
So you really want to create content that’s written for the layperson. This means eliminating medical jargon and other verbiage that’s going to confuse your readers. Make sure your content is easy to read and easy to digest.
You can absolutely go in-depth on a particular topic – if that’s what your audience is interested in. But do it in a way that keeps your content:
Remember to keep your writing simple, so your readers can easily access it.
Publish Your Content Consistently
It’s easy to get lost in the online noise if you aren’t regularly showing up for your audience.
For better or for worse, Google rewards those who post content consistently.
So whether you're posting to your blog or social media, make sure it’s on a schedule. Get those posts on your calendar with your target post date. And if you want to get your social media posts organized all at once, using an automation tool like Later or Planoly can be a huge timesaver.
And even if you’re only updating your health and wellness blog once a month, getting tasks like these scheduled on a calendar makes you more likely to actually accomplish them.
Also, frequency is key if you want to really start getting noticed online. You can substantially increase your website traffic over time if you’re publishing new blog posts once a week.[2]
If that sounds like an overwhelming task to add to your already booked schedule, consider hiring a holistic health copywriter to help support you. That way, you’ll grow engagement and gain recognition – without having to sacrifice your time.
Promote Your Content – Across Multiple Platforms
You might be publishing your content on a regular basis, but are you promoting it?
Once your blog or article is live on your website, make sure you share it on platforms like:
…and anywhere else your practice is active online.
This ensures that your content gets noticed, and you have a much higher chance of getting clicks than if you only publish to your website. Over time – if your blog posts are optimized so they show up in Google in the first place – you’ll see an increase in traffic to your website from those posts.
But sharing that content on other platforms is sure to help shorten the amount of time it will take to get you there.
Optimize Your Content (So You’re Showing Up On Search Engines)
Writing content is one thing.
Writing optimized content is quite another.
In order to show up on your reader’s radar, you definitely need to be creating high-quality, optimized content. By doing this, you’re showing Google that you’re helpful and increasing your online authority because you’re:
Answering questions that your audience is asking.
Producing high-quality content that your readers care about.
Showcasing your expertise by breaking down topics for your readers.
Optimizing content requires research – and a lot of time. And if you’re already managing a booked-out schedule, this may be something you can’t commit to.
But don’t write it off your list entirely. If you have loads of optimized content on your website, you’ll happily watch your Google ranking go up. So to achieve this if you’re short on time, you can book a holistic health copywriter to help you out.
It’s well worth the investment.
How To Create Content That Stands Out In The Health And Wellness World
Publishing content that gets people’s attention can be a daunting task – but it doesn’t have to be.
By applying the tips outlined in this post, you’ll be well on your way to getting interested eyes on your content. As you’re creating your blog posts, emails, newsletters, or product descriptions, remember to:
Write headlines that grab your reader’s attention.
Post on topics your audience is interested in.
Keep your content simple and engaging, so it’s accessible to the average person.
Stick to a schedule so you’re regularly posting and showing up on your reader’s radar.
Promote your content by sharing it on your social media channels.
Optimize your content so your website can start climbing the ranks of Google.
Once you add these practices into your content creation process, you’ll notice an uptick in engagement on your posts and content.
You’ll also stand out in your field as a holistic health practitioner who’s helpful, communicative, and relatable.
And in your readers’ eyes, that makes all the difference.
Want Content That Converts But Don’t Have Time To Do It Yourself?
If you’re tired of trying to keep up on your blog posts and email marketing campaigns – along with your already packed schedule – outsourcing to a content marketing expert is an investment that pays off.
I’m a holistic health and wellness copywriter who’d love to help you expand your practice. Book a free 15-minute discovery call with me, and we’ll take a dive into your goals and vision – and get you on your way to the results you’re looking for.
[1] Copy Blogger
[2] Hubspot